Using Respondus LockDown Browser (and a Webcam) for Online Exams (for CUHK Teachers)


Respondus LockDown Browser is a custom browser that can lock down test/exam environment within Blackboard . If a Blackboard Test requires LockDown Browser be used, students cannot take the test/exam with a standard web browser. For more information, please visit:

Preparation and Setup (by Instructor and/or TA/Support Staff)

  1. Create and deploy a Test in the Blackboard course.
  2. From the Control Panel, locate Course Tools and select Respondus LockDown Browser.
  3. A list of deployed Tests will be displayed. Select Settings from the context menu of the Test.
  4.  Select Require Respondus LockDown Browser for this exam. Optionally, you may create a test/exam password.
  5.  To require all students use a webcam during the exam, select Require Respondus Monitor (automated proctoring) for this exam. You can also enable Record the screen while the student is taking the exam.
  6. Reminder: To preserve the settings used by LockDown Browser, do NOT modify these settings in Test Options: 
    1. Name
    2. Open Test in a New Window
    3. Require a password
    4. Password. 

If these settings have been modified the test/exam status will appear as an "Error."

Result checking

To access information and review the recorded videos of the Tests that require Respondus Monitor:

  1. From the Control Panel, locate Course Tools and select Respondus LockDown Browser.
  2. A list of deployed Tests will be displayed. Select Class Results from the context menu of the Test.

Best practices

  1. Make an announcement (or add the information to the course syllabus): sample word document
  2. Set up a practice test/exam for the students
  3. Set up the real test/exam for the students
  4. Require students to

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