- Qualtrics is a survey service widely used by universities around the world to allow their staff and student users to easily create, design and distribute surveys for a variety of teaching, learning nd research needs.
- ITSC has been providing the following services to enables staff and students create online surveys and application forms for data collection in a user-friendly manners using an open-source software package running on ITSC-managed application servers.
- From time to time, ITSC receives enquiries from staff and student users asking if the University has Qualtrics subscriptions (due to missing of certain features in MyCUForm and CU Webform).
- ITSC contacted Qualtrics again when assisting on a user enquiry around early 2018 and received a one-year institution-wide pilot offer from the company.
- At 2nd ITGC-SET (2017-2018) meeting on 11 May 2018, ITGC-SET approved the pilot.
- In response to user feedback, the pilot has been extended for an additional year (2019 – 20).
- In response to user feedback, the pilot has been extended for an additional year (2020 – 21).
- In response to user feedback, at 1st ITGC-SET (2020-21) meeting on 17 Dec 2020, the Sub-Committee endorsed requesting funding support to subscribe “Qualtrics CoreXM University Wide” so that teachers and students can continue to use it in 2021-22 and beyond.
Start using Qualtrics
Users can now follow the steps below to start using the service.
- Visit https://cuhk.qualtrics.com
- Login via CUHK Login using your @cuhk or @link.cuhk email and OnePass Password.
Additional resources
- Qualtrics Online Tutorials: https://www.qualtrics.com/support/
- Qualtrics Support: http://www.cuhk.edu.hk/eLearning/qualtrics/Qualtrics-ContactSupport-CUHK.pdf