Blackboard Quick Start Checklist for Staff Users

Target audience:

New Blackboard Course Instructors / TAs / Supporting Staff

Estimated time for going through this checklist:

30 minutes


This checklist lists out basic features of Blackboard. If you would like to go through the tasks in a sandbox (testing course), please send your sandbox request to


1. Access Blackboard

1. Check Browser Support

2. Go to Login with:

☼ For more: How to login Blackboard?

☼ You can also install Blackboard Instructor App and access Blackboard in your mobile device following the instruction here.

☼ Demo video

2. Notification Settings

1. On your Activity Stream page, select the Stream Settings (Gear) icon to open the Notification Settings panel.

2. Edit your Notification Settings.

☼ For more: Notification Settings

☼ Demo video

3. Explore Courses page

1. Access Courses page.

☼ For more: 

Navigate Outside a Course

Find Your Courses

☼ Demo video

4. Create an Announcement

1. Access a Blackboard Course. Access Announcement > Create Announcement.

2. Set No Date Restricted for Web Announcement Options.

☼ For more: Announcements

☼ You can also create Announcements using Blackboard Instructor App: Announcements in Blackboard Instructor

☼ Demo video

5. Add Content (e.g. Item)

1. Access Course Content > Build Content > Item.

2. Name the Item. Attach one (or more) file(s). Submit.

☼ For more: 

Types of Course Content

Create Content Items or Documents

Edit and Manage Content

☼ Demo video

6. Create a Discussion

1. Access Discussions > Create Forum. Check the appropriate settings and Submit.

2. Access the Forum that you have just created. Create Thread and Submit.

☼ For more: 

Create Forums

Create Threads

☼ You can also create and participate in Discussions using Blackboard Instructor App: Discussions in Blackboard Instructor

☼ Demo video

7. Add an Assignment

1. Access Course Content > Assessments > Assignment.

2. Input the Name, Due Date and Points Possible for the assignment.

3. Select the settings under Submission Details and Display of Grades.

4. Make the assignment available or select date for Limit Availability. Submit.

☼ For more: 

Create and Edit Assignments


Download Assignments

Assignment Inline Grading

☼ Demo video

8. Add a Test

1. Access Control Panel > Course Tools > Tests, Surveys, and Pools > Test.

2. Click Build Test. On the Test Information page, type a name. Click Submit.

3. On the Test Canvas, from the Create Question, select Multiple Choice.

4. On the Create/Edit page, provide the necessary information to create a question. Select Submit.

5. Access Course Content. Select Assessments > Test.

6. Select the test under Add an Existing Test. Select Submit.

7. Select the test options. Select Submit.

☼ For more: 

Create Tests and Surveys

Test and Survey Results

Grade Columns: Can I control when students see their grades and feedback?

☼ Demo video

9. Manually enroll a user in your course

1. Access Control Panel > Course Tools > CUHK User Management.

2. Click Enroll User.

3. Input the Staff ID or Student ID of the user who you would like to enroll in your course.

4. Select Role

5. Click Submit.

☼ For more: 

Using "CUHK User Management" tool to manually manage users in your original course

10. Set Course Availability

1. For Instructor: Access Notifications page. Click the Lock icon in the top right-hand corner.

2. For TA/Support Staff: Access Control Panel > Customization > Properties > Set Availability. Select Yes for Set Availability, and Submit.

☼ For more: 

Set course availability

Find Your Courses

 Demo video 1, Demo video 2

For more features, please refer to Blackboard Instructor Guide (Original Course View)