Tests, Pools, and Surveys


Blackboard Online Test Best Practices for teachers and supporting staff
Overview You can use " Test " feature to create online  tests for students to take in your Blackboard courses.  This guide aims to highlight some best practices in a step by step style for your consideration. Recorded Training Sessions (CUHK ...
Blackboard Test Quick Start Guide
Introduction You can use tests and surveys* to measure student knowledge, gauge progress, and gather information from students. *Survey questions aren't graded, and student responses are anonymous  ⚠️ FAQ: Test VS Assignment  Test: 17 ques...
Pools and Question Sets
Overview “Randomize Questions” under Test Options randomizes all questions in a test. If teachers would like to randomize part of the questions, they should use question set. You can choose the number of questions from the question set to sho...
Test Access Control - Test Availability Exceptions
Overview Applicable to Test (and Survey) only For existing test availability settings, you can make exceptions for individual students or groups If the settings exist for a test or survey, you can create these exceptions: Number of attempts ...
Extending time for a student in a Blackboard Test
Scenario A student reported that she encountered issues while she was taking an online test on Blackboard. The teacher would like to grant her extra time during the test. Steps Access the Test's menu and select 'Edit the Test Options'. On th...