

Points to note for students regarding Blackboard assignment and test submissions
Please reserve ample time for submitting assignment or test attempts to Blackboard. Students should use a computer and the web version of Blackboard ( ) (instead of Blackboard App)  to complete assignments o...
Save answers while taking tests
Overview With stable network connection, your answers are auto-saved. You can check if your answers are saved following the instructions below. "Save Answer/Saved" button You can select "Save Answer" next to each question or "Save All Answers" as...
Resubmit an Assignment
Overview By default, Blackboard assignment allows single attempt. Yet your instructor may allow you to submit an assignment more than once for a variety of reasons. You should go through 'Assignment Information' before submitting the assignment. Yo...
Tips for students submitting web-based learning content attempts on Blackboard
Students might be required to finish certain web-based learning materials within Blackboard courses. The following is an example of how these objects are displayed within a Blackboard content area: Tips: Please ensure you allocate enough tim...